You know, in even writing this post, I can hear my dad protesting a bit. He never liked the limelight. He never begged or asked for attention. So, in honor of how he chose to live, I will keep this brief and to the point.
I love my dad! He embodies what it means to be a father. I have felt loved, supported, and accepted by him my whole life. I miss him every day that passes. I wonder, sometimes, if I expressed to him enough just how much I appreciated and loved him. Do you think he knows?
I've been told I am a chip off the 'ole block when it comes to my love of nature and this world. My Dad grew up engrossed in the study of the natural world and its phenomena. From his searching and finding a meteor he witnessed fall from the sky as a young boy, to serving in the weather office on his ship in the Navy, to storm chasing for years after, to his love of fishing (beginning in the rivers of Upstate New York as a child), to camping, and hiking, my Dad was and is the coolest man (for me, of course). I looked, and continue to look up to him.
Most importantly, dad knew what it meant to believe what you believe, live it, and become it. He sacrificed so much for his family, often without us even realizing it. He showed me what it means to work, to put your back into it, add some elbow grease, and get it done!
I miss you Dad. I miss going to you for answers, direction, and wisdom. I miss your counsel, your laugh, your jokes, your encouragement. I can't wait to see you again. Until then, I will look for, and find you in every cloud I see in the sky, in every fish that swims, in all the beautiful world around me, because I know you are there watching over us still. I love you Dad.
-- Scott
Just beautiful Scott❣️(tears)💓
What a dear tribute - I'm grateful you provided this treasure of remembrance in word and photos by you!
I'm grateful you reflect your Dad in how and why and what you love in God's creations. He is most pleased about this.
We love you immensely and always!! 💕