It has been mighty cold here in Idaho the last week or two with lows in the negatives. Beautiful, well-formed snow crystals fell last night as the air chilled to temperatures well below freezing. The morning fog coated everything in brilliant shards of ice that glistened in the afternoon sun.
In an effort to test out my new chains for my car Phoebe, my friend and I drove east to Swan Valley then headed for Victor and Driggs, then returned to Rexburg, completing the large loop through the hills and along the river. The road to Fall Creek Falls was more than sufficient proving grounds for Phoebe's first time with the chains, combined with her 4-wheel drive, she had no problem handling the few inches of snow on the dirt road.
Wildlife were as active as ever. Moose, deer, eagles, swans, and more, lined the river throughout Swan Valley. I was greatly impressed by the beauty of the morning. The ice on the plants and the mist rising from the water made for a magical experience at each location we stopped at to stretch our legs and snap a few pictures.
We stopped along the Fall Creek Falls road, along the first turn-off overlooking the Palisade Reservoir, the Teton Canyon parking lot, and along the road up to Targhee ski resort. This was my friend's first time in the Swan Valley and Driggs areas so I stuck with a general tour of the area, without venturing too far off the beaten path. I even let him borrow my camera! Below is a combination of several photos we took on our trip, enjoy!!
Winter wonderland!!
Awesome description of the experience!
That is so cool - frozen falls!!
And the deer - they were definitely posing!!
Don't know if I could handle the frigid temps🥶!!
Hope you drove no faster than 25 miles an hour with chains on (30 max)!
Glad you got to try the chains out - put to better use with you there....